God is good. He loves you and wants you to accept His grace through faith in Jesus Christ. -Luke Nievar
About Luke Nievar and Family
As Senior Pastor of VAMM, I'd like to
take a moment and tell u a bit about why
me and my family are involved with
Vertical Adrenaline. We
love to ride motorcycles and spend time
together as a family. (Well at least my
son River, #24, and daughter Brook #25,
do the ride part and my wife Mandee
spearheads the family time part and I
just do what she tells me). On top of
that we love Jesus and believe he is the
only way to God. The bible says
acknowledge God in all your ways and he
will make your paths straight. I see an
entire culture of people here at the
track, week in and week out, that by
enlarge love the lord as well so we are
trying to organize it at the track so
that we as racers don't have to miss
that fellowship (church). In the process
we are also trying to be a light to
those who don't know Jesus as Lord so
that we may plant seeds that will
ultimately bring them to accepting that
everlasting life.
We feel truly
blessed to be a part of VAMM and truly
blessed to serve as essentially
missionaries to the track. Please be in
prayer for all of us at VAMM. Sure would
like to visit with yall at the track so
stop by the rig. Ps.118:8